          回覆:神的預知 # 406 ??: 2009童安格?菏? 1. You need to kill that 童安格 no matter that 童安格 is real or phony. Because anyone wearing the name of 童安格 linked along with him showing on stage is underground chain slavery terrors con 部落格trolled by USA evilest politicians, evil politicians can only make all losers, no winner. Because politicians supposed have best idea, like Chinese said "崇高的理想" instead of "滿.Fool.Sin.G" down sight 酒店工作 people's decent life. 2. You need to seal your border, your China Communist force only need to do the duty to seal the border like East Germany did in the Berlin Wall. 3. You China Communist Party only need to 室內裝潢 watch your own member Integrity, kill your own sucking member; your member only need to help the people when the people come to you to ask for your help. 4. You give every your Chinese people a share of land, gun and bullets Free of Charge. 吳哥窟 Then let them live or die freely. You don't need to have any school(You watch your people all the time, but not to bother them in any way, unless they come to you to ask for help; that means no matter what crime they committed under your watch, you only wat 土地買賣ch, until someone come to you to ask for your help or ask you to be the judge. You only need to educate the kids their parents willing to send to you to be educated. And give every boy the gun and bullets when he turning 13.), or office, you only need to let them know when they need help 房屋買賣, they go to find a China Communist member to ask for help, that China Communist member will do the rest for them. [gun and bullets Free of Charge] Every man own fire arms Free of Charge was what made USA strong; every man can have the right to kill was what made China Dynasty life long. You give every y 網路行銷our Chinese man the right to kill no matter that Chinese man looked like hero or criminal, then, the strongest man will eventually become the Lord to build the strongest nation (You need a nation, because your nation can take care you, not because you need to care your nation, if your nation cannot do better to overcome wild natu 房屋買賣ral "弱.Roll.強.10" to take care the less evil coward, you must not have a nation in any way, because a nation cannot do better than "弱.Roll.強.10" must be worse than "弱.Roll.強.10", your nation committed the crime worse than "弱.Roll.強.10", your nation must have to die rather sooner than later. That how any your government eating individ 禮服ual tax payers money, your government must have to die, not mention following USA evilest politicians to tax anyone who's less rich, less powerful than anyone of their government office.) to care all your less evil coward Chinese people.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! seo  .

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