一份關懷造就一點回憶,在礁溪冠翔世紀飯店住宿旅遊,和溫泉魚一起玩樂! 轉載自"阿鼻宜蘭遊(2)冠翔世紀溫泉會館" 本篇文章引用自此 窗邊的蒂蒂 阿鼻宜蘭遊(2)冠翔世紀溫泉會館(10M4~5D) 第一次帶阿鼻外出過夜,住處是最令我們傷腦筋的~後來 婚禮佈置在網路上找到這家位於礁溪,評價相當不錯的冠翔世紀溫泉會館!搭配專案,一人只要2499元,我們補房價差額,將房間升級為北歐精品套房(17坪), 因為這間空間?591j,又是木頭地板,很適合阿鼻到處爬~在停好車後,我們有許多行李要搬,熱心的服務人員一一幫我們搬下來,看到我們行李箱裡還有個遊戲床,他立即跟我們說,飯店有兩張嬰兒床可供使?商務中心峞A所以可以不用搬啦~這是第一個讓我們感到訝異又溫馨的地方! 進了房間,更讓我們開心,房間採光好,又乾淨,位在飯店的七樓(總共有八樓),相當舒服!左圖為迎賓禮,都可以免費食用,有蝦味先、可樂果、 小型辦公室波卡和宜蘭餅,以及各式茶包、咖啡~冰箱裡有兩瓶礦泉水,不夠還可以請櫃檯送,此外,還送我們Fin海洋深層水、波蜜和Coca Cola Zero,不過,這麼多零食,因為照顧阿鼻,我們用得最多的是礦泉水~~ 其他的,幾乎都沒碰~這房?辦公室出租〞漣优O加大型的,阿鼻一上床,開心得又滾又叫,往前撲、往後倒都不會痛~ 也不用擔心滾一滾跌到地上去!晚上,將床邊的簾幔放下,可以安心睡,不用擔心蚊子攻擊! 再來是我們感到第二個貼心的地方,服務人員送來嬰兒床並組裝好,還附有床圍、 房地產枕頭和棉被!另外,還貼心的提供嬰兒澡盆,阿鼻也有專屬澡盆呢(橘色的鴨鴨澡盆)!^^這樣也不用擔心阿鼻在大浴缸內洗澡危險囉! 這樣的住宿方案提供免費的晚餐和隔天早餐,朝日餐廳的餐點不錯,客人不會太多到亂糟糟,(過去到台東知本的某飯店,餐廳裡被過多的人潮擠得又吵又 永慶房屋亂~) 至少還可以享受到悠閒的氣氛~服務人員都會詢問阿鼻要不要餐椅和餐具,阿鼻把餐具當玩具把玩, 這一張是用阿鼻的餐具裝餐廳裡的白粥,攪入蛋黃,變成蛋黃粥,成為阿鼻的早餐!坐久了,阿鼻竟然想爬到餐桌上~~ 阿鼻,你是不是吃不飽啊?用完早餐,我們不用像旅行團趕著收行李?東森房屋W遊覽車,回房間整理一下,帶阿鼻去露天風呂SPA區,帶著小孩無法享受,所以來泡泡腳,讓溫泉魚來啄啄,腳一伸進去,魚群一擁而上,一堆魚在啄腳指頭縫、小腿,實在太癢啦!泡沒幾下就起來了,然後讓阿鼻伸手進去試試~水溫32度C,溫溫的,阿鼻反而當做在玩水~呵呵~ 7/11那天的服務人員很熱心,還送阿鼻氣球狗狗和 台灣房屋氣球棒棒糖,阿鼻更開心啦!不斷的把玩~此外,在他們餐廳用完晚餐,服務人員還告訴我們亦順軒如何走,附近可以怎麼逛,真是超級熱心的!當天推著阿鼻去奕順軒,想到行李實在是太多,所以只買了奶凍捲~ 右下角的圖可以說是我們這次在冠翔住宿的紀念品啦~^^這次的旅程,幸好住到這麼棒的溫泉會館,服務人員態度佳又熱心,讓我們可以放鬆的 看房子旅遊,  .

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          提燈引路----溫暖的眼眼-如溫暖的太陽---照亮每個角落--為受家暴婦女-推薦---- 花蓮民宿C戲愛情公寓an>財團法人勵馨社會福利事 保濕面膜業基金會---官方網站-伸出溫暖手 提燈引路 --溫暖的 酒店工作眼眼-如溫暖的太陽照亮每個角落--但勿強行切入-如炙熱的太陽--亦會灼傷人- - 建築設計超越專業領域--就轉介各領域專業協助-- 共同築起防暴網--- 個人力量太小了!如勵馨基金會, 家扶中心, 土地買賣 或地方政府所設置的社服人員諮詢, 他們都有服務有關的家暴個案,就連律師費用他們也會幫助你負擔, 你可以請你相信的律師,或 帛琉是在家庭法律部分較專業的律師處理後, 再向上面所說的基金會申請補助---- 推薦----財團法人勵馨社會福利事業基金會---官方網站 http://www.goh.o 酒店兼職rg.tw/services/main.asp?expand=257085 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 買房子  .

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          我的超人女友~專情保平安 中文片名:我的超人女友 英文片名:My Super Ex-Girlfriend 演員:烏瑪舒曼 Uma Thurman(春心蕩漾)、路克威爾森 Luke Wilson(婆家就是你家)、安娜法瑞絲 Anna Faris(驚 翻譯社聲尖笑4) 劇情簡介 麥特桑德(路克威爾森飾演)認為自己終於找到完美的女友,那就是珍妮強森(鄔瑪舒曼飾演),怎 室內設計知道她剛好是個女超人,別名G-Girl。當珍妮表現出過份的佔有慾時,麥特打從心底想結束這段感情…,但是要怎麼和一個會飛、能舉 代償千斤重、會開賽車,而且用眼神就可以將鋼鐵燒出洞來的神力女超人分手呢?被男友拒絕的珍妮,感到羞辱,又生氣又傷心,決定啟動全副威力來搞砸前男友麥特 關鍵字行銷和同事漢娜路易斯(安娜法瑞絲飾演)的新戀情。麥特傷了珍妮的心,現在她要報復,也要讓他失去一切。 假日看了這部歸類為浪漫喜劇片的「我的超人女友」,的確是部看?裝潢F不需要太花大腦的片子,說實在除了誇張之外,也不覺得特別好笑,也許在電影院裡,大家一起笑才會覺得好笑。 這部片子不同於我們常看的超人,以往的超人給人就是拯救蒼生的感覺,而這部 婚禮佈置片子則比較從人性的角度去看人的超能力,尤其是當女性有了超能力。我想男人看了這片子,也許會想,在想嚐新或一夜情的心態下,如果遇到有超能力的女人或是遇到一個佔有欲特強的女人,我想那就是男人的苦日子到了。從這部片?票貼l到是可以看出,儘管女人有了超能力,但心態上她還是個女人,也許在天賦的能力上她可以是強壯有力的,但內心裡她還是個對愛情渴望、佔有、沒安全感、黏人、嫉妒心超強的女性,遇到感情問題她依然會失去理智,也難怪預告片裡要寫著「專情保平安」 情趣用品。 其實我覺得這個女超人一直沒有弄懂什麼是真愛吧!外表所擁有的一切並不代表可以擁有真愛,就像她意外有了超能力,改變了她的外在,她也就沈迷在世人對她外在的擁戴,而忽略真正瞭解她的人;而她因為擁有超能力,總是在幫助別人,一旦遇上一個幫助她的 酒店經紀人,便覺得自己愛上他了,而男主角也覺得自己交到一個與眾不同的女友,超得意的(電影中出現好幾次的~「你上了G-girl」),事實上一點也不瞭解彼此。而女超人遇到感情的挫敗,便想用自己的能力來毀滅對方,跟現在的男女關係裡~自己無法擁有也不准別人擁有的心態很像,這樣怎能算是真 買屋愛呢?  .

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          [保養]BIOTHERM 碧兒泉 完美奇肌活泉水慕思 “保濕界的BB霜” ! 在寒冷的冬天裡.我的肌膚還是一樣可保有水嫩肌! 冬天天氣多變化.除了乾燥的氣候.會造成肌膚飽受乾燥的困擾 不穩定的肌膚狀態.也會使膚況產生許多問題出來 像粗糙的膚觸.黯啞的肌膚.甚至因為油水失衡反而造成毛孔 買屋網更加明顯粗大 看到我手上拿著那一瓶.現在可是讓我愛不釋手的高機能保濕品 說到保濕.平常就要養成多喝水.保持好心情.睡眠時間要足夠.還有平時多保養 當我收到這瓶碧兒泉 完美奇肌活泉水慕思 超開 九份民宿心的 它不止能讓肌膚長效的保濕.還可以膚況膚觸的改善 這款粉藍色的系列適用全膚質的長效保濕 每一罐完美奇肌活泉水慕思中含有3500萬個極效鎖水因子.可以捕水傾注肌底 增加肌膚保濕度.同時柔滑膚觸.使肌膚呈現霧光亮 酒店經紀澤! 用法:於精華液步驟後使用.避免眼周區域 瓶身設計是半透明淺藍色的設計.打開瓶蓋還有一層塑膠蓋保護 這樣設計就算拿反也不會很容易露出來 而且這個塑膠蓋的設計很可愛.除了LOGO字眼還有一個小小的像拉環蓋的設計不會有平蓋設計會吸住 小型辦公室不好拿取.還蠻不錯的! 像慕思一樣.但塗摸時卻很清爽.什麼季節裡來擦都很適合 一整個好粉藍色系.BIOTHERM以顏色來設計不同的保養款式 而這款系列是長效保濕系列之一的商品 冬天的肌膚很容易乾冷.造成肌膚乾燥.連我的手都出現這樣的問題 而且乾燥呈度還看?房地產漕鴞陸挾麛炕D如果肌膚沒有好好保養.肌膚也會有細紋出現 這是凡沒保養並留下的"痕跡" 碧兒泉 完美奇肌活泉水慕思 像水狀一樣很快的推開被吸收 在推開時發現了細細顆粒狀.但神奇的在按摩推開時.就像水一樣被吸收了而且像讓肌膚喝了水一樣 在寒冷的天氣裡.我的肌膚變的很乾裂.使肌膚粗?情趣用品 W 而且連毛孔也明顯的粗大.肌膚乾裂失去水份.也讓肌膚感覺暗沉許多 使用了多天之後.肌膚的毛孔有縮小.而且肌膚也不會乾巴巴的 而且還比較明亮.肌膚全天候的保有水嫩肌 在塗摸的時候.有點冰沁感.肌膚感覺好像喝飽了水一樣的水嫩 細細顆粒的因子.也完全在熱度按摩中被肌膚吸收住 讓肌膚鎖住水份.毛孔也不會很明顯?面膜吨j 碧兒泉 完美奇肌活泉水慕思成份的AQUAKEEP極效鎖水因子.PTP礦泉舒活因子 讓肌膚持續保有水份及補給礦泉精華 鎖住水潤同時隱形毛孔.柔滑膚觸 不止讓肌膚水嫩嫩還能讓我的膚質不會那麼粗糙造成毛孔粗大 肌膚也不會暗沉而是明亮水嫩! 24h全天候補水恆濕.同時再改善三大肌膚不完美問題 每一罐完美奇肌活泉水慕思中含有3500萬個極效 房地產鎖水因子 每個因子可以攜帶大於自體重量1000倍的礦泉精華 瞬間滲入肌底.於一整天中定時定量釋水補水.讓5000l活泉能量做智慧型的恆濕補給 除此之外.內含"HD柔焦微晶體"可以降低毛孔明顯度26%.減少肌膚精糙度48% 增加膚色均勻度34%.一次解決三大肌膚不完美問題 讓不上妝的我.不用BB霜也能形成柔焦裸肌.有上妝時.也省去妝前修飾毛孔的多餘 酒店經紀步驟 並且一整天妝感更服貼.向脫妝Say No!‧ 啟動完美:HD柔焦微晶體+獨特慕思質地,一次解決膚觸粗糙、毛孔粗大、膚色黯沉三大膚況問題。‧ 長效保濕:3500萬個極效鎖水因子釋放1000倍高保濕力,24H持續補給5000L礦泉精華。 風光事蹟:ELLE 2010最佳保濕品大賞+ ELLE 2010最佳保濕精華大賞 雙冠殊榮 Biotherm網址:http://event.ad.megais.com/BIOTHERM/index.html 吳哥窟  .

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          [食記]鴻公公越南河粉 網路真是無遠弗屆,不知要吃啥時, 就上格子去看看,搜尋好吃ㄉ店在哪裡呀? 馬上就能得到一大 室內設計堆資訊,趕緊帶著一家大小ㄑ 九份民宿嚐鮮ㄋ! 這美味ㄉ店家,就位在台南家齊女中旁邊ㄉ巷子 花蓮民宿內~ 最近台南ㄉ天氣,真是暴熱ㄚ! 為ㄌ促進胃口,就是想吃酸酸辣辣口味 永慶房屋ㄉ東東ㄋ~ 店家有免費供應紅茶ㄛ! 可以向店員要檸檬切片,加入紅茶裡,就變成檸檬紅茶ㄌ! 這 烤肉裡ㄉ菜單,是以越南河粉為主,有湯ㄉ&乾ㄉ兩種, 湯頭有多種口味,可以選擇,每樣ㄉ配料,也會有所不同ㄋ! 必點ㄉ 商務中心小菜~木瓜涼拌$40~ 味道很單純,夠酸,夠開胃ㄉ~讚! ~越南烤肉$80~也是很好吃ㄛ! 肉烤ㄉ很軟嫩,搭配生菜,口味很清爽,再沾點店家自製ㄉ甜辣醬,整 小型辦公室個加分到不行! 哈尼點ㄉ重口味ㄉ~生熟牛肉河粉+酸辣湯頭$120~ 香茅ㄉ味道,穿插在酸辣湯頭之間,好吃ㄋ! 為ㄌ魚魚我點ㄌ較清爽口味ㄉ~什錦河粉+清湯$100~ 料?辦公室出租h多,湯頭也很鮮甜ㄋ! 還有蝦喔~ 最後加一點甜辣醬在湯裡,湯頭就變成酸辣湯ㄌ, 好喝到我碗裡,一滴湯都不剩ㄋ! 這天我們有早一點來,店裡ㄉ位置不太多,但很幸運ㄉ是,我們沒有等很久 房地產, 吃飯時間一下子,湧進很多客人,把小小ㄉ店內,擠ㄉ滿滿ㄉ,這時外頭已排ㄌ不少人ㄋ!~ ~鴻公公越南河粉~ (06)2130340 台南市中西區永福路一段25號 AM11:00~PM14:30 PM17:00~21:30 (星期一&星期?永慶房屋G公休)  .

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          【囍】日子出來了囉 !!! 頭痛才開始~(更新) 終於 日子出來囉!!! 我們的日子好像算很久了,感覺很難算的樣子 是因為拿了爸爸、媽媽、2個妹妹、爺爺、奶奶及我 七個人的八字嗎? 又加上雙方家長相見歡是農曆六月底左右的事 那時就先拿了八字了,後來就碰到農曆七月 又碰上八八水災,所以到現在才確定訂婚、結婚的日子 從11月開始算起,我們訂婚只剩96天而已 訂婚:2010.02.06 結婚:2010.02.25 歸寧:2010.02.26(原先是27號,因老媽看農民曆發現27號諸事不宜) 目前只有婚紗店決定 土地買賣也要開拍了~ 其餘的一切,都還沒有說 像宴客的餐廳、新秘、MV製作 最重要的是統計人數 因我真的不知要怎麼放 我老媽這幾天都在問我說:你人數是算好了沒呀? 說實在的,我真的不太知道要放誰 所以原則上以有在聯絡的朋友們為第一考量 再來就是之前感情不錯的同學們 而最苦惱的公司部份,因公司人數眾多 加上我在公司的單位,算跟各部們都有一些互動 但我並不打算亂放呀!! 所以有在 土地買賣看我部落格的同事們,你們別緊張 我沒有要像誰一樣,大家都放一張私帖啦 基本上還是以一部門一張公帖,比較有交情的才會給私貼 如有要來給我請的同事 應該會自動跟我要私帖吧!! 只是人數上比較難算,只好等帖子放完再去問問有誰要來 因要保留位置給要來的人 ,要不人都到了 卻沒位置不是很過意不去嗎~ 而腸友部份,更加難放 所以,我不主動放帖子  很歡迎大家給我祝褔~~ 但目前腸友部份, 房屋買賣 就有卡麻、菇太太、小V、皮媽、SUSU姐2人、momo麻、鐵麻、 要來給我請  到時會有個小遊戲,就是抽捧花的遊戲呢 哈  如果真的有想要給我請的朋友,再跟我說吧  要不我真的不好意思,問你們要不要來參加呢  而昨日剛好在YAHOO精選看到下列這篇文章,剛好來跟大家分享一下 紅白包,心意還是金額重要? 2009年10月Cheers雜誌 無論是收到紅白帖而考慮怎麼包,或自己要發帖子,對上班族都是一種微妙的「考驗」。所謂考驗, 關鍵字廣告指的就是人脈。要發給哪些人帖子?如果收到帖子要包多少?這些大家心中的疑問,都是源自於對人脈或人際關係的檢視和維護。 以發帖子為例,一般依循的大原則,先是「看交情」:什麼人願意關心你、和你同喜同悲?再來是「講公平」:自己部門裡就算有些人交情不夠,但不給帖子,卻會折了他的面子;這時,就必須以「不要造成人脈上的破洞」來公平考量。   如果放到「管理」面向來看,處理就要更細膩。 是交際也是管理,主管不能大意   以下對上來說,給帖子一般是給 ARMANI到直屬主管,至於別的部門主管、或是更上級的老闆,就看交情了。有些人覺得「轟炸」主管似乎不好意思,但我認為,主管對員工的紅白帖做出適度回應,是管理上必要的動作。也因此,許多公司都會給予主管紅白帖的補助。   藉由紅白包及親自到場,主管表達的不只個人關懷,更代表公司致意。無論是喜慶或喪禮,家屬都會看:公司什麼層級的人會到?甚至層級越高的人到,表示這個員工越受肯定;以馬斯洛的需求理論來說,這同時滿足了員工的自尊和社會需求。所以,主管對這種「需求」忽視不得,再 租房子忙都要親自出席,表達公司對員工的關懷和肯定。包的禮數和金額,也應該比一般人大。   但若是下對上,千萬不能包太大。如果平常彼此互動密切,比一般行情多包幾百是符合期待,更多的話,除了可能落入外人「拍馬屁」的疑慮,也會給主管造成心理壓力。 所謂的一般行情,有交情的喜帖就是2,000元起跳, 然後2,200、2,600、3,600元, 或交情深厚到6,000、上萬元都有;普通同事的話,則是1,200~1,600元。有時也要看宴客場地來考量,攜伴參加再加1、2,000元。但一般來說,包600~1,200元是不會出席喜宴的,這點禮數要 辦公室出租注意。滿月也是包偶數,約600、800、1,200元不等。喪帖則是單數,一般是1,100元,親近者2,100元,不需要包得太大。有些辦公室會有共同的行情和慣例,可多向資深或熱心同事打聽。 人脈和交情,不是決定在數字   但也不要陷入「包越多、交情越好」的迷思。禮數包太大,將來人家還你也會傷腦筋。年輕人不要用金錢來證明友情很好,比一般行情多個1、2,000元就恰到好處。因為人的交情不是建立在錢的基礎上,而是真心的關懷。   與其包很大的禮,不如「早點到、晚點走」。婚禮早點到場,去休息室跟新人祝賀一下,表達誠摯的祝福;會後晚點走,感謝他 小額信貸邀請了你。真心分享別人的喜悅,發自內心去關懷朋友或同事所遭遇的困難。譬如公祭,你匆匆忙忙去鞠個躬就回來,不如早點到去慰問他,多聊幾句話,「這段日子你一定很辛苦,請多保重。」有機會多講幾句,或者在之前、之後以電話、信件等方式表達慰問或祝福,比用錢加碼證明彼此的交情,重要太多了。現在大家手頭也不是很寬裕,不需要用錢來「定輸贏」。「花錢解決」的心態,反而是最廉價的表示。   同樣的道理,剛到職場的新人,通常交情和口袋也不深,不發帖子給他也是一種體貼,但一定要跟他先講清楚:「啊,真不好意思給你帖子,因為考量到可能會增加你經濟?房地產滬t擔,希望你多多包涵。」對新人來講,選擇權就變多了,但如果選擇不出席,也記得要藉由言語、文字或小禮物表達祝福。   最後,以我個人經驗來說,其實都不太記得別人到底包多少給我,但我不會忘記那些很真心、誠摯對我表達關懷的人;但若無法收到所預期、需要的關懷,也不能強求,因此,不如以這樣的角度來看待紅白包的處理。無論你的個性再木訥、社會經驗再資淺,都不能以此做為藉口。多付出、多關懷,才能有良好的人際關係。 文章來自:http://www.cheers.com.tw/article/109_08_02.jsp 接下來,就是11月底要去拍婚紗了 大家期待我的婚紗照吧~ 我想,我要先來減個二KG才行  租屋網  .

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          2010.05.01/05.02 花園在建國花市舉辦送養活動,請用認養代替購買,給牠們一個溫暖的家! 花園在99年05/01(六)及05/02(日)早上11點到下午5點在建國花 結婚西裝市舉辦認養活動, 歡迎大家以行動支持以認養代替購買 售屋網的理念! 時間:05/01(六)及05/02(日) 早上11:00-下午5:00 地點:建國花市D3迴 九份民宿轉道旁 **如何前往? 搭公車: 1、請在信義建國路口下車,可搭0東、20、204、204(區間)、22、22(區間車) 結婚西裝、38、信義幹線、信義幹線(試辦路線)。 2、請在仁愛建國路口下車,可搭226、261、270、311、621、630、651。 希望這場愛的接力 太平洋房屋, 可以在大家的支持下持續下去, 直到落難動物都找到幸福歸宿為止! 歡迎各貓狗中途報名參加,以及現場協助義工 ((由於場地狹小,籠位開放有限 成 關鍵字排名犬暫不接受報名.))報名條件請參考:http://www.doghome.org.tw/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=172728 報名時間:送養當週週一解鎖開放留言報名 每人限報一籠至多兩隻, 為讓更多 西裝待認養犬貓有機會曝光, 每位中途限報名一天, 現場送養以米克斯為限, 依完整資料回覆順序為主,額滿為止 回覆項目↓↓↓↓↓ 送養中途名稱: 連絡電話: 狗or貓:(限米克斯) 送養犬貓基本資料:年齡/性 ARMANI別/是否結紮/預防針日期 數量:(每人僅限報名兩隻幼犬) 已詳閱送養報名條件,並同意之: yes or No (若不符報名條件之規定,協會有權取消現場送養資格) 05/01(六)-- 中途報名: --------------------- 05/02(日)-- 中途報 買屋名:_________________【幫助花園協會,讓第二代狗車接續神聖任務!】 讓你我奉獻的心意,也能在新狗車上留下印記! http://www.doghome.org.tw/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=346185 http://www.doghome.org.tw/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=2 景觀設計47886  .

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          Iran, Venezuela affirm ties ahead of Chavez visit Iran, Venezuela affirm ties ahead of Chavez visit... http://www.drudgereport.com/ Iran needs to know that Chavez is master minded head of the underground chained s 酒店打工lavery terrors in Latin America links to USA White Trash. You just need to see how he tooled fooled "5.Her.Zhi.Zhong" to got his unlimited time o 酒店打工f terms (Because your term made by your law makers, your unlimited terms must have to be called up by your law makers instead of run by yourself shamelessly lawles 烏來溫泉sly Godlessly to think you are the only one can run. You have no right to rely on "5.Her.Zhi.Zhong" to vote for your unlimited terms, because unlimited terms must have to rely on yourself to G2000use your life to fight the war to show your forceful guts; you use "5.Her.Zhi.Zhong" to vote, can only show you are the evil coward, therefore, you know how to use invisible press to force to scare "5.Her.Zh 禮服i.Zhong" to follow you to dive; you are the evil liar, therefore, you know how to use lie to fool tool "5.Her.Zhi.Zhong" darkly; you are the evil sucker, therefore, you know how to take advantage of sick weak wicked to gain or/and gang. 設計裝潢 When a nation showed that political party/national head must have to rely on evil coward, evil liar, evil sucker to get money power sex to upside down, you have to nuclear that nation rather sooner than later. Because if you don't, your nation mu 吳哥窟st have to be finished by that upside down invisibly not if but when. Because except kill, you have no way to deal with evil doer that Confucious admitted that difficult to help them, that Chinese good traditional words failed to help them, that our Mighty True Love God m 商務中心ust have to watch them to fall powerlessly. And because those evil doers piled up too thick to afford you to kill, therefore, you have to rely on unclear to make all jailed body gone with no mess left behind for you to deal.)instead of being forced by the law makers to carry the burden to go 開幕活動ahead to figure out Chavez is the slave or partner underground chained with US lair President Bill Clinton and his ass whore Hillary Clinton committed the same abusive pattern of crime or crimes. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 酒店工作  .

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          Way.Bound.Boot.Drew. Nwon.Boung.Boot.Rule. Taiwanese should not go to Mainland China any more. Mainland China not ocommunist ruled any more, Mainland China has far finished long time ago before Japan had been finished, the difference is Japan had the best Samurai as the sign to tell their finish, Mainland China does not have that good remainings can tell.Yes, American is being on the finished path, you can know it when you hear they fine Time Magazine instead of kill all of them. You are democratic country, your toppest rule is to guard your media to have the absolute right of freedom of speech, you dislike the way they orally facking you, you must have the guts to kill them, you must not allow them to think they can use money to buy their lies. The better that makes American more respectable than Mainland Chinese is their man can still have the right to buy guns to kill anyone that scared him to death, they don't need stupid bad ugly evil oral fucking like stupid bad ugly evil blogger woosean did 澎湖民宿 to "那位留亂碼的小姐,妳可不可以去死啊!幹!砍妳留言他媽的浪費掉我多少生命妳知道嗎?" [ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/woosean&article_id=9130074 ] Why woosean's oral fucking is stupid bad ugly evil but not real killing? Because oral fucking he can only dare use to fuck good, less evil woman , he must dare not use the same to deal with stupid bad ugly evil female dressed animals that link to "Huang.Whore" gangsters, that's an act of "7.Sun.Pot.U(gly)" coward can only speed your country to be finished faster. Why dared he not? Because he must know "Huang.Whore" gangsters don't have American time and heart to "Call.Drew.Beat.What", "Huang.Whore" gangsters gang together with cold cold hard, only suicide bombers available field may dare do the hard to at enlarged hers. Therefore, you should know that Time magazine allowed to use money to buy their lies must mean you must not come to USA any more, because USA not 濾桶 like coward China Communist to tolerate coward man like woosean to oral fucing good, less evil woman, they allow man to carry weapon to fire evil doers, and weapons don't know you are Taiwanese or foreigners, they may just kill you when you just happen in Time Square close by doing shoppings or whatever nonsense activities. When you kill, you must have mercy, you must not cruelty, you do the cruelty, you must prepare to have the super guts to face your cruelty ghosty, you are not Satan, you cannot have Satan's formless mighty to see everyone's evil, even Satan must do the double check with God's love to make sure the rooting of the heart to make sure the reality not against the true heart. You don't have a good will to kill, you must not do the kill at the beginning. This may explain how come only the best sniper suitable to do the kill, because his excellent goal focus score can make sure it is always a mercy. There 結婚fore, Chinese and TAiwanese need learn to be better, say "go to hell, or you should be killed" instead of "幹!" or "妳可不可以去死啊!"; because "go to hell" "you should be killed" Satan does like that. China Communist needs do better to demand all web masters follow Communist bravest rule "不自由.Rather die" - say whatever from your heart, fight with your life to seek the justice; Godless, Lawless, but Justice. -清算鬥爭- Therefore, you should know that those "Huang.Whore" gangsters criminals evil mind, they did against China Communist toppest rule to have jailed 江青 instead of obey the Communist toppest free prison world to kill her or send her to concentrate camp "勞改" like China Communist had done to Chin Dynasty late remainings head. You don't think she deserved to have chance to be corrected, you must have the mercy to kill her immediately, you have no right to jail her to sink her even deeper. Therefore, US law makers should learn the 信用卡代償 good point of view from Communist to make law says: any criminal does not be trustable enough to be sent to concentrate camp to learn the lesson to live must be killed immediately, the sooner the better to help that uncorrectable from falling into even deeper. Jail can only use to jail your enemy that you lack of the fair and balance authority to try anyone of them. 江青's one of the most loyal China Communist members, anyone dared to see her as enemy in Mainland China must subjected to the hightest standard to accept worldwide Communist members -清算鬥爭- to give one of the oldest China Communist members 江青 deserved justice. Therefore, stupid bad ugly evil female dressed animals should know that controlling the freedom of speech, she cannot like 江青(MouJerDong did not provide her security title, you eyed her as MouJerDong's lover, you must honor her "垂簾聽政" courtesy, you don't think she deserved to be eyed as MouJerDong's lover, you must respect her "Sway.Sin.You 情趣用品ng.What" honesty to sleep, live, make love with anyone she liked; you think she's "Huang.Whore" criminal gangster, you need provide the unshakable evidence to get the world wide communist headquater to side with you, because she's MouJerDong's woman, that highly ranked place very likely have made her to offense many visible or invisibly communist enemies like "Huang.Whore" female dressed animals gangsters linked underground chained slavery terrorist; had she indeed a liar, how could MouJerDong not just executed tough love to just give her a mercy die by himself, she's not MouJerDong's wife, MouJerDong did not need to have the duty to guard her over his own life. ) to deserved someone to speak for righteous sake to get her deserved "平反". This may explain how come man must not hire any woman to work for him, because if he's a married man, hiring any female worker can only trap himself like the Robot Cop died for her, if he's a single man, can only like Danny out of the luck to 酒店經紀 get that good woman matched him up, or like stupid bad ugly evil Bill Gates to sucked himself wasting or lost both himself and that woman's supposed good lucks. Mainland China already eat bonelessly by "Huang.Whore" gangsters, TAiwan must either seal border and demand the rest of the world seal border from Mainland China, or just fire as many nukes as you can get to blow the whole Mainland Chinese gone with the wind. HongKong is TAiwanese and Chinese can have peace to live only hope, therefore, you ooooTaiwanese must not use HongKong as battle ground to launch any war with Mainland China, any Mainland China evil doers that link "Huang.Whore" gangsters entering HongKong, you must do the kill duty without any hesitate. How I dare say so? Because I know Thatcher good will that I would be like her had I not been blocked by God's call to see the fact that the best in HongKong all loyal to and pride of their real Chinese Nationality, those UK ass kissers were all boneless "Sway.Sin.Young.What.". You must do all you ca 有巢氏房屋n try to lead and live with Mainland China first before you fire any missile. Because if you want to rely on God's love, you must not hate your enemy, you must not be scared by anything, you must not need to be tough to anyone, then, you can only ask yourself be better; if you choose to fight, you must first do all you can to deserve Satan respecting you enough to take your side. Because Satan is the only really knowing God but not willing to satisfy to be second to God. Satan does not have heart therefore does not know if we like Satan scares nothing, we would better than Satan like God, we scared lost our guts, we must have God inside our heart to have the brave to do the scary kill. Like Chinese said "Ten.Drew.自.Drew.Jer.", you don't help yourself, you have no right to rely on God's love. This may explain how come woman cannot deserve God's love if she does not have the strength to stay home to respect God's unselfishly order. You don't scare, you should not kill, this may explain how come God not allowing those stupid bad 591ugly evil "Huang.Whore" gangsters to kill me, because I don't scare anyone of them, they look down me showed their evil "Bi.癡" calling; this may explain how come you must not kill your enemy when that enemy lost its freedom to scare you. This may explain how come you must have the right to kill those "Huang.Whore" gangsters when they scared you with their "莫須有" sentenced clause like that stupid bad ugly evil 新浪网 showed on the Mainland China under communist name site _______________________________________________________________________???可???: 京ICP?000007? 尊重网上道德,遵守《全?人大常委??于??互?网安全的?定》及中?人民共和?其他各?有?法律法? 尊重网上道德,遵守中?人民共和?的各?有?法律法? 承?一切因您的行?而直接或?接?致的民事或刑事法律?任 新浪网新?留言板管理人?有?保留或?除其管?留言中的任意?容 您在新浪留言板?表的作品,新浪网有?在网站???或引用 ?与本留言即表明您已???并接受上述?款 文明?网文明上网????:010-82615762 ???箱:jubao@vip.sina.com http://comment4.news.sina.com.cn/comment/skin/default.html?channel=dushu&newsid=112_3_149031&style=0&face=& 烤肉食材rid=0 _________________________________________________________________________ WE have body jail, we cannot like Satan to get the formless light, we must have God's love inside our heart to help us to get the strength to deal with the tough love to help our love one to have better life. This is why parents must not be allowed to scare the kids, parents may be saying to kids their concerns, themself's fear, they must not committed "Huang.Whore" crimes to say something not really happened to them to scare the kids, you don't want your kids to marry, you must tell the kids the reason, the evidence, you must not make them to fear marriage, you make them fear marriage, yet you did not do your duty to demand your government to make all marriage gone with the wind, you must see as unfaithful to your kids that must mean the mom committed treason crime must either do the jail time or must go to hell if too late or too heavy to make up by jail time.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 信用卡代償  .

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          麻辣天后宮:新手媽媽抱怨大會(1/5) 20100420 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4ou-qlxQY0&feature=related At 02:27/10:31Why that Condi Rice wearing Chinese face named 小禎 showing up on that TV program to 酒店打工 tell that so called daughter "May.May" "Dot.針擦.Mar.Yao" story? So that to send that secret code back to USA 酒店打工 American werewolves that her husband 李進良 is indeed Angus Tung another form. Because it is Angus Tung's most high light point o 房地產f view known by the top American werewolves team that Human form must keep coward to physical pain, and overcome the invisible coward in order to be better, i 禮服n order to grow up mankind. That how you must do whatever it takes to avoid anyone from physical injure, and encourage man and woman to divorce to free each other to face that pers 西服onal shameful failure and eat and melt that invisible long last regretful by self (That how you need to kill any abusive parents, abusive government worker, abusive rich and famous, abusive powerful and f 烤肉食材orceful, because their abusive makes helpless powerless poor individual not only lost place to hide to do the self regretful, but also further take away the natural wild that the powerless helpless poor individual must have to rely 591 on for the last hide out in order to get their shameful back instead of shamelessly nude like hairless worm. That how heavy crime that "6.Bay" committed to eat "Drew.Good.Liang" boneless to force that mankind "Drew.Good.Liang" lost his last home. 關鍵字行銷That how you rather be killed like wild animal in the hot fight, you must not bend to evil doer's invisible lie like "Drew.Good.Liang" did to "6.Bay"; like I was forced to marry evil doer JungShiauLin because of he eaten my righteous good will. That how you should k 開幕活動now that no man is perfect, even "Sheng.Swine" "Drew.Good.Liang" lost that point of view at that time, not mention that homeless parentless moronic stupid woman.).   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 土地買賣  .

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